
borg-import consists of a number of commands, one for each backup system supported. Each accepts a number of arguments and options. The following sections will describe each in detail.


Note that Borg-Import will ask you for your repo’s passphrase which blocks the import until you enter it. To let Borg-Import continue automatically, you can pass the environment variable BORG_PASSPHRASE: BORG_PASSPHRASE=xxxxxx borg-import ....

borg-import rsnapshot

borg-import rsnapshot <options> RSNAPSHOT_ROOT BORG_REPOSITORY
positional arguments
Path to rsnapshot root directory
Borg repository (must be an absolute local path or a remote repo specification)
optional arguments
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
Only consider given backup set (can be given multiple times).
Common options
--create-options, -o
Additional borg create options (note: Use -o=”–foo –bar” syntax to avoid parser confusion).
Add prefix to imported archive names
Display debug/trace messages.


Imports from rsnapshot backup sets by renaming each snapshot to a common name independent of the snapshot (and the backup set), which allows the Borg files cache to work with maximum efficiency.

The directory is called “borg-import-dir” inside the rsnapshot root, and borg-import will note which snapshot is currently located there in a file called “borg-import-dir.snapshot” besides it, in case things go wrong.

Otherwise nothing in the rsnapshot root is modified, and neither are the contents of the snapshots.